I did not know I have an ounce of bravery hidden in the corners of my heart until I faced my exams this year with little to no time to study. Turns out, studying while working is only for the brave. But God has been so gracious to me. He sustained me through this year, surprising me many times.
I got to know myself more this year. In the face of pressure, my flaws were magnified. I watched Suits for the first time last night and laughed at the line "Push until it hurts". When buttons were pushed, I ached in many places this year. Notwithstanding, I am now more peaceful, rested and accepting of the process God is bringing me through.
I anticipated a restful summer with visions of lounging by the beach... or my bed. Alas, reality has been different for me. May is here tomorrow and there is nothing more to describe the month that went by than productively eventful. So far from what I had imagine. Yet, at the conclusion of this month, I thank the Lord that he ushered me through opportunities to be a good steward of the talents and time he entrusted me.
Here's me sharing with you my summer.
Registrar Duties During the Graduation |
Was invited to speak at Filamer Christian University again |
Was given the opportunity to speak to Young Leaders of JCI |
Visited the Gospel Teams |
Storyteller during the VBS at Calatrava |
Directed the Testimonial Dinner Concert of MFBC's 50th Anniv |